Hip hop dance : from street to studio

Break dancer

When it comes to the most catchy and widespread dances in the macrocosm, Hip Hop dance surely tops the list. Down the years, this widespread dance has evolved to quite something incorporating a number of different styles thus making it one of the freshest dance genres out there. Starting from the streets to the studio, this dance surely is the best. Street hip-hop needs zero rules and crews can take each other head to head and see who can spill better moves than the other

History of Hip Hop dance

Black and Latino communities are the founders of the hip-hop dance. The first mention of hip hop dance was originally uttered out in the streets back in the 70s when some silky jaw dropping moves were brought forward to the table in the USA. They invented various styles such as; up rock, break dancing, roboting, boogaloo, and popping and locking with each style having its unique dance steps, but mostly made up on the fly and thus bringing in the versatile nature as the music evolved over time. In hand with the evolution of hip-hop music, hip hop dancing emerged from breaking and funk styles into different forms. 1990s dances such as the Worm, Cabbage patch and the running man penetrated in the mainstream and became fade dances. Later in the 2000s the Cha-cha slide and Dougie dances came into play and thrived so hard.


Being the first hip-hop dance, it was created in the 70s in South Bronx, NYC. Though this dance was created by African Americans, Puerto Ricans continued to amplify the formula of application. Breaking entails four foundational dances: the top rock, down rock, freezes, and power moves which involves engrossing acrobatic moves. A changeover from top rock to down rock is usually referred to as drops. Traditionally, breakers did their act on a circular dance space formed by spectators called a cypher. Cyphers are ideal for head to head break-boy or break-girl battles whereas Apache lines are ideal when the battle is between 2 crews where both teams can perform their burns for supremacy.


Originally referred to as Campbellocking, it was first executed back in 1969 in Los Angeles by Don “Campbellock” and then hyped by his crew the LOCKERS. This dance resembles popping and if you are a casual observer, you won’t note the difference. When performing this move, dancers hold their position longer and it is similar to a sudden pause then get back in motion. This dance has a discrete dance moves that tell apart from popping and other funk styles. Some of the Mohe moves of this particular dance usually include; scooby doos, which-away, fancies, Skeeter, lock and points. Lockers dancers mostly have a dress code which is characterized by colorful clothing with stripes and suspenders.


Usually, origin of dance styles can be trickier than anticipated, this specific dance move is characterized by suddenly tensing you muscles and then releasing. The technique is to contract and relax muscles in order to spark a jerk on the body called a hit or pop. Performed in the right manner, each pop is a match to the music rhythm and beats.

Jessicah James

Culture and sport have always been a point of interest for me from an early stage of my life, i simply enjoy the buzz and amazement's it coughs to our bare eyes.