Music is a form of expression, good artists make music from experiences they go through. Some of their songs revolve around actual stories of their lives. Every musician and band has their own unique style and vision...
Music is a form of expression, good artists make music from experiences they go through. Some of their songs revolve around actual stories of their lives. Every musician and band has their own unique style and vision...
Happiness is relative, but when it’s said that a country is the happiest in the world, therefore most of its citizens are really happy. They don’t need to showcase their happiness in the streets by smiling always or...
Running wasn’t a very usual activity before the 1970’s, but now, distance running has undergone a paradigm shift from what it has always known to be and is now one of the most practiced sports worldwide. A lot of people...
Music has a huge impact on how we see the world, and in a lot of cases, where in the world we want to be. The popularity of certain places as tourist attractions is influenced by music, and the culture surrounding it...
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